Thursday, March 31, 2011
War.... War Never Changes
Its been a while since I posted. I started a new job and the blog has suffered. I'm still doing gaming stuff, but I haven't had a chance to blog it. I'm hoping to load ups some of my pictures over the next few days to make up for it before I get back to the more or less weekly schedule that I have found for this blog.
But I figure I would begin with a bang. Here are some pictures of my 15mm Post-Apocalyptic game I played this evening. I used a modified version of the Infinity rules. Trading inches for CM and playing on a much smaller (48cm x 72cm). I really like how it turned out and I especially like the look of the game. The pictures speak for themselves. I really plan on refining my modifications and hope to publish them on this blog.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Do the Baba Yaga
Here is geeky gift that I gave to my girlfriend recently. I was going through my collection with her and she mentioned that she thought an old Dreamblade Baba Yaga Hut looked rather cool. So I painted it up and gave it to her as a gift. I was originally going to use it for my 10mm fantasy Russian HOTT army, but I figured this is a better use.