Monday, November 14, 2011
Blast it all!
You may have been wondering what I've been doing instead of gaming. Aside from furiously working on The Department, I've been finish up a freelance project I was working on before the Kickstarter took off.
I'm actually really proud of Blasters and Bulkheads. I've been working on the page designs since early June and it's really neat to see the whole project for sale. I'm really impressed with Joe Urban's cover art, and I'd love to see a mini produced of that character. Though I admit, it looks kinda like hes burning the hair off of the back of his neck.
You can snag a copy at Wargame downloads(which includes full color and printer friendly). So as always, buy loads so I get more work.
Now it's all Department, all the time until April. It's going well so far and I think the layout is going to be even better than Blaster and Bulkheads! There are a lot of concepts in B&B that I'm going to put in The Department.
Friday, November 11, 2011
A little Teaser for You
Friday, October 7, 2011
Back Scratching
Been a bit quiet here at the blog latley. I've been busy finishing the Layout of Blasters and Bulkheads and organizing work on The Department now that the Kickstarter has finished.
The Layout of Blasters and Bulkheads is coming along well. I'm porduceing a "pretty" version and a printer friendly version. You get both when you order so everyone is happy. I'll try and post a preview of the page layout when I get the finished photgraphs from Sky.
And now to the title of this post. One of The Department's kickstarter backers, Tom Mason has started his own Kickstarter project. The project is already funded, but now is your chance to get in on the action. I'm a backer and I particularly like the sci-fi models. I've included a shot of the figures to whet your appetite.
The Layout of Blasters and Bulkheads is coming along well. I'm porduceing a "pretty" version and a printer friendly version. You get both when you order so everyone is happy. I'll try and post a preview of the page layout when I get the finished photgraphs from Sky.
And now to the title of this post. One of The Department's kickstarter backers, Tom Mason has started his own Kickstarter project. The project is already funded, but now is your chance to get in on the action. I'm a backer and I particularly like the sci-fi models. I've included a shot of the figures to whet your appetite.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
We Made it Everyone!
I have to say that I feel like George Bailey right now. The Kickstarter Drive has come back from the grave in a big way. We've shot past our goal with just a few days to go. May thanks to all of my friends and the gamers worldwide that have helped to make this project a reality.
Now the hard part starts, actually producing the game. In the next six months, we're going to forge this pile of rules and concept sketches into a great product.
Now that teh funding drive is over, we should get back the regularly scheduled programing on this blog. Scott just handed me the finished manuscript for Blasters and Bulkheads, so I'll be beginning the layout now. Stayed tuned from previews for that game. I've just bought a drawing tablet for my PC and I've done some new art that hopefully will make it in the finished book.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
It's the Final Countdown
We're having the final week of fundraising for our game The Department: Noir Investigation Skirmish. We've raised almost $2,700 so far, but we're still about $1,100 away from the goal. Pledges are coming at a steady clip, but we everything we can.
We've got a lot of great rewards for backers like t-shirts, posters, and of course copies of the rules.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Some New Art.
Hi guys, just wanted to post some new promo art for The Deaprtment by the very talented Cole Jefferies.
Make sure to check out the Kickstarter as well.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Like us!
I'd like to announce The Department Facebook contest. All you have to do is like our Facebook page. That's It! We'll select one person to receive a free signed print edition of the game. Three other lucky people will receive a free PDF, or, Ebook version of the game.
Note: This contest is null and void if the Kickstarter pitch is unsuccessful, as the game will not be produced.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
The Department, Its live folks
It's been another period of inactivity here at the blog, but not without good reason. I've been moving ahead on the artwork for Blaster and Bulkheads, but over the last few months I've also been working on my baby.
I'd like to present to you, my loyal readers, the Kickstarter page for a game I've been wanting to make for a long time.
I won't rehash the pitch text here, since you can read it on the Kickstarter page, but suffice to say we're breaking new ground in skirmish wargaming. Building on the solid Goalsystem, we plan on releasing a full color 150 page book that lets you fight rogue robots in 2060s America.
While the rewards we have on the Kickstarter page are great, I'd like to extend an offer exclusive to my blog readers. The first ten people who make a donation to the kickstarter at $10 or more will also receive a small print of the above artwork signed by me as a thank you for being one of the first Kickstarter backers. I'll send this out next week(provided there are enogh donations), so you'll have your print right away to help spread the word about The Department. Just send me a message through Kickstarter to claim you bonus reward. Make sure to mention that you heard about it on the blog.
Even if you don't want to donate, I would greatly appreciate making a post about the game on any forums or your blog. The more people know about the project, the more chance we have of making this project a success.
Friday, July 1, 2011
Speaking Mecanically
Here are some Sample pages for the new GWI Rules. I tried to select some that explain some key rule points and shows off some of the awesome art and Karl Perrotton's great layout that's in the book.
For those of you looking for some more information on the rules themselves I'll summarize some of the key points of the rules.
Alternate Activation - Units the consist of several stands of infantry or vehicles activate one at a time and their constituent stands (called fireteams) and vehicles operate within their units command radius.
Combat - Combat is resolved on a opposed roll on 3D6 modified by weapons quality, armour, and shields.
Extra Rules - The book includes rules for spotting, sensors, bailed out vehicle crews and psionics.
Combined Arms - Army list include rules for infatnry, tanks, hover vehicles and flyers.
Full Army Design Rules - Use one of the six included army lists or use the complete army design rules to create you own. The build system is meant to be flexible but balanced.
Hope that Helps. Feel free to ask any additional questions.
Galactic Info
I've been patrolling the various news sites looking at the Galactic War I announcement, and one of the most frequent request was for some basic information about the rules. I figure I would take this opportunity to do a little write up about the rules.
First off, the rules are Company level rules meant with 15mm in mind. Though they can be used with 28mm with a little adjustment to the ranges and movement distances. Armies consist of several units which are made up of three to six infantry fireteams or vehicles.
The system includes rules for all kinds of cool sci-fi troop types that include walkers, grav vehicles, and giant fliers the can not only transport large quantities of infantry, but also vehicles as well.
The Universe is meant to be a pretty open and accessible space opera. It's not hard sci-fi, but its not Skullz(TM) either.
Ther are 7 forces to choose from that range from the forces of Terra, to mysterious psychic aliens.
Mercantile Collective: Mercenary companies that fight for a sovereign corporate free trade zone.
Universalist Military Forces: A militant religious movement that relies heavily on psi support for their armies.
Post Human Liberation Force: Escaped clone slaves that are fighting against those that would seek to enslave them again.
Orion Republic: Humans the rely on heavy armour and large flying dropships.
Terran Confederation: Humans that have a good mix of solid infantry and heavy walkers.
Ferreen Raiding Force: Psychic aliens that fight alongside other savage alien creatures.
The Arlocks: Nomadic aliens that use traded or salvaged vehicles from other faction in their armies.
Though the rules are meant to go with Blue Moon's extensive 15mm sci-fi range, several of the army lists have been written to allow other manufacturers' figures in the force without contradicting the fluff.
I hope that gives you a better idea of the rules. Feel free to ask any questions you may have ion the comments or shoot me an email or a PM.
First off, the rules are Company level rules meant with 15mm in mind. Though they can be used with 28mm with a little adjustment to the ranges and movement distances. Armies consist of several units which are made up of three to six infantry fireteams or vehicles.
The system includes rules for all kinds of cool sci-fi troop types that include walkers, grav vehicles, and giant fliers the can not only transport large quantities of infantry, but also vehicles as well.
The Universe is meant to be a pretty open and accessible space opera. It's not hard sci-fi, but its not Skullz(TM) either.
Ther are 7 forces to choose from that range from the forces of Terra, to mysterious psychic aliens.
Mercantile Collective: Mercenary companies that fight for a sovereign corporate free trade zone.
Universalist Military Forces: A militant religious movement that relies heavily on psi support for their armies.
Post Human Liberation Force: Escaped clone slaves that are fighting against those that would seek to enslave them again.
Orion Republic: Humans the rely on heavy armour and large flying dropships.
Terran Confederation: Humans that have a good mix of solid infantry and heavy walkers.
Ferreen Raiding Force: Psychic aliens that fight alongside other savage alien creatures.
The Arlocks: Nomadic aliens that use traded or salvaged vehicles from other faction in their armies.
Though the rules are meant to go with Blue Moon's extensive 15mm sci-fi range, several of the army lists have been written to allow other manufacturers' figures in the force without contradicting the fluff.
I hope that gives you a better idea of the rules. Feel free to ask any questions you may have ion the comments or shoot me an email or a PM.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Not so Long Ago in Galaxy Far Far Away
Its a good time me right now as a some freelance projects that have been in development are finally entering production. It with a proud tear in my eye that I annouce that Galactic War I has gone on Sale.
I worked on Galactic War I last year with Scott Pyle and Sky Hernstrom. I contributed some core rules, but I was primarily responsible with writing the army lists (Sky wrote all the flavor texts). My most proud moment during development was that I got to name the little 15mm Yeti like creatures that seem to be one of the more popular items in the miniture line. It tickles me to see a name that I made up used around the net.
The Twanax!
You can purchase the book here. Buy the book and make sure that I get more work.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Labors of the Layout Guy
Well, I've been away for a while, but its not without a good reason. See, I have not been painting figure in order to do another gaming project. I've been working on Labor of the Gods, the first full colour Goalsystem book. Here are some sample pages from the finished book. I did most of the interior illustration. The cover was done by Dave Powell and has a cool retro feel to it.
I'm working on the new Goalsystem book, Blasters and Bulkheads. Hopefully I'll be back with some cool preveiw and development stuff for that book as well.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Here are some pictures of my next Malifaux crew. I usually don't post unpainted stuff on this blog, but I'm particularly proud of the sculpting. I'm using the Lucius list, but I'm using it to represent a organized crime syndicate that is at odds with the MSU. This syndicate, which manipulates and exists within the guild's hierarchy, specializes in smuggling guild prisoners back over the breach. I wanted this crew to have a distinct Oriental feel, but not to be "The Malifaux Tongs". This syndicate is run by the shadowy sentient construct, the Clockwork Dandy(left centre). I'm using my Desperate mercenaries as Guild Guard and filling using the two pistol wielding gents as Guild Gaurd Captains and the guy with the eagle as an Austinger.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
The Fallout from Fallout
Thursday, March 31, 2011
War.... War Never Changes
Its been a while since I posted. I started a new job and the blog has suffered. I'm still doing gaming stuff, but I haven't had a chance to blog it. I'm hoping to load ups some of my pictures over the next few days to make up for it before I get back to the more or less weekly schedule that I have found for this blog.
But I figure I would begin with a bang. Here are some pictures of my 15mm Post-Apocalyptic game I played this evening. I used a modified version of the Infinity rules. Trading inches for CM and playing on a much smaller (48cm x 72cm). I really like how it turned out and I especially like the look of the game. The pictures speak for themselves. I really plan on refining my modifications and hope to publish them on this blog.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Do the Baba Yaga
Here is geeky gift that I gave to my girlfriend recently. I was going through my collection with her and she mentioned that she thought an old Dreamblade Baba Yaga Hut looked rather cool. So I painted it up and gave it to her as a gift. I was originally going to use it for my 10mm fantasy Russian HOTT army, but I figured this is a better use.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Flying High
Edo, 1870 - The Blazing son press office has just confirmed the launch of their newest aerial vessel, the IAS Tenshi. Capitalizing on the latest anti-gravity lifting device, the Tenshi is slated to replace the older war gyros that have comprised the emperor's aerial fleets so far.
Above are some pictures of my scout gyro conversion. The official models are not out yet, and I'm not too fussed with the preview renders, so I made my own. The one model for the Japanese Faction that I'm absolutly in love with is their flying carrier. I decided to do an all flying Blazing Sun's fleet. I really liked the detail of their much maligned "train ships" so I decided to turn them upside-down by carfully sawing off the pilot house and the AA emplacements. The conversion turned out well. I actually think the Japanese ships look more like ships when you turn them upside-down. Next I'll do a larger war gyro and fill the rest out with carriers. The advantage of flying models is that they are pretty expensive points wise, so I won't need to spend a whole lot of money to get to 1000 points.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Dressed to Kill...
Here are some 15mm Post Apocalyptic figures that I converted and painted for a skirmish ruleset that I've been playing with. These represent a reasonably dramatic theoretical shift in the way I aproach 15mm figures. I focused on keeping brush strokes small and paint very thin, which I think pays dividends in 15mm figures. Instead of doing two layers of highlighting after the normal wash of Devlin Mud, I did one especially strong highlight. I used small washers for the bases as well, which I think gives much more visual balance to the finished figures.
Each scale has its own painting challenges. I feel like I'm finally getting to grips with 15mm. The more 15mm figures I paint, the more convinced I am that they can truly supplant 28mm for small sci-fi skirmishes. I think that eventually, I'll be able to paint a 15mm figure just as well as a 28, it's just a matter of technique.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Appliances for all of your spaceship needs
Are you tired of building all of your starship appliances yourself. Do you need ship appliances right off the shelf in a variety of styles and colours?
Well look no further than Joe's Appliance Hanger. We have all the appliances that a spaceworth ship needs to stay flyin'. These prices will not last forever. So come on down!
Here is the lion's share of my 15mm starship furnishings. After some feedback and sugesstion on TMP, I sculpted all of the furnishing that I figure would sell well for 15mm terrain. From Left to right: large veiwscreen, Wepons Locker, Vacc Suit Locker(could be used as a Cryo Chamber as well), Mainframe Cabinet, Computer Console, A chair, and a Bar/Living Quarters Table.
I opted not to do some of the stuff that I though was not useful to everyone, such as toilets and some of the other everyday things that do not get featured in action adventure type scenarios. Stylistically, I tried to straddle the line between sleek high-tech and totally retro. I could see these things used in a Traveller game, or inside a Fallout style vault. I still plan to do a bad and a regular desk and a bed, which should be good sellers as well.
In the meantime. These are for sale with full repo rights. I designed these with castability in mind. There are no undercuts and all the parts are thick enough to cast. Since this is shaping up to be a whole range, I'm willing to promise exclusivity for future pieces to the person who buys the set. If you are interested, email at Kingjoey85 at yahoo dot com.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
The Information Age
Here are some more 15mm scale control equipment that I sculpted this evening. I had a lot of fun sculpting these up. There a few minor details to finish and things to clean up, but otherwise they are finished. I was trying to emulate Copplestone's excellent resin equipment. The great thing about 15mm is that its about 1/10th the cost of 28mm. You can make a great control room with these pieces for under a fiver.
As usual, these are for sale with full repo rights.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Light, Crisp, Refreshing
Two blog posts in one week, stop the presses!
Here are two vending machines that I sculpted. On the right is a modern vending machine and on the right is a "retro" version that would be good for pulp or PA. As always, these are for sale. I'll be doing a few more pieces like this for 15mm street/interior furniture.
I have a dream. That I will be able to build a furnish a 15mm sci fi complex without having to scratch build every piece of furniture.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Robots... When Robots Attack
Here are a couple of 15mm pulp style robots I sculpted today. These could be useful for any sort of retro space game or a certain unnamed post apocalyptic universe. These greens are for sale with full repo rights. Just let me know if you are interested and leave your email in the comments section and I'll get in touch with you to discuss(I'll delete the comment as soon as I contact you).
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Pedagogical Techniques
Ask and you shall receive dear readers. I'm devoting this post to my painting technique fore my Dystopian Wars painting technique. Here is picture of one of my painted and rigged battleships. I was bestowed one of the highest nerd honours last week when my FLGS offered a place in their display case for my DW fleet.
This is the first blog post that uses a photograph taken in my new photobooth. My pictures are getting better, but as they do, they are revealing the painting mistakes that the poorer photos hide.
Without further ado here is the recipe for my quick and easy DW paint scheme.
Prime White
- Basecoat with Vallejo Model Colour German Beige Camo.
- Wash with GW Devlan Mud(the thicker the better).
- When dry, paint the panels with German Beige Camo leaving the areas around the rivets and seams darker.
- Pick out the hard edges and the gunwales with Vallejo Model Colour Iraqi Sand.
- Basecoatwith Vellejo Model colour Mahogony Sand.
- Wash with GW Devlan Mud.
- Drybrush with 50/50 mix of VMC Ochre Brown and Saddle Brown
- Lightly drybrush with 50/50 mix of the above mixture with Iraqi Sand
- Windows were just filled in with VMC Deep Sky Blue
- Metal was done with basecoat metal(GW Tin Bitz, Bolgun Metal, Etc), washed with Devlan Mud and highlighted with GW Chainmail.
I hope that helps. Its dead easy and makes a good, quick result.
Stay tuned. I photographed my process for rigging and should be releasing a tutorial soon.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Cardiff Steamer
coming out from the other side of the application season, I finally got some serious painting. I succumbed to the new hotness at the local store here in Cardiff and bought a fleet for Dystopian Wars. Being the token Yank at the store I had to go for the FSA. It was convenient that they were my favourite models of the whole range. The figures are a joy to paint. I really can't compliment them enough. Spartan is really showing us the future of miniature making. I think the process of designing figures on CAD and having them 3D printed had finally matured where it can create models that are superior to more old fashion methods.
I'm really pleased with how these turned out, with the devlin mud adding a grungy feel. I went the extra mile and added a mast and some rigging. I think it adds a certain je ne sais quoi to the models. I have two battleships and some aircraft left to paint and then I'll be ready to enforce the Monroe doctrine at the barrel of a gun!