It's been another period of inactivity here at the blog, but not without good reason. I've been moving ahead on the artwork for Blaster and Bulkheads, but over the last few months I've also been working on my baby.
I'd like to present to you, my loyal readers, the Kickstarter page for a game I've been wanting to make for a long time.
I won't rehash the pitch text here, since you can read it on the Kickstarter page, but suffice to say we're breaking new ground in skirmish wargaming. Building on the solid Goalsystem, we plan on releasing a full color 150 page book that lets you fight rogue robots in 2060s America.
While the rewards we have on the Kickstarter page are great, I'd like to extend an offer exclusive to my blog readers. The first ten people who make a donation to the kickstarter at $10 or more will also receive a small print of the above artwork signed by me as a thank you for being one of the first Kickstarter backers. I'll send this out next week(provided there are enogh donations), so you'll have your print right away to help spread the word about The Department. Just send me a message through Kickstarter to claim you bonus reward. Make sure to mention that you heard about it on the blog.
Even if you don't want to donate, I would greatly appreciate making a post about the game on any forums or your blog. The more people know about the project, the more chance we have of making this project a success.