Played a massive 7 person game of Shadow war Armageddon. A fun game with a great group of people, some great figures and great terrain.
Thursday, July 13, 2017
Thursday, June 15, 2017
No one suspects the ...
Sunday, October 2, 2016
Arabian Knights
Sunday, July 24, 2016
News from the Westeros front
Had another game of the Game of Thrones rules that the local group have been brewing. This was the last practice bashup I'm going to get to do till the August campaign starts.
I had forgotten my dornishmen at home, so I borrowed my buddy's Tyrells. We did a 3v3 mash up. I was wiped out to the man. But I'm obligated by journalistic ethics to say the my buddy Ben saved the day with his Danyris and unsullied. Even going so far as to kill the mountain. I should take note for my prince obryn. No doubt he will come across the mountain during the campaign.
Thursday, July 14, 2016
Game of Game of Thrones
I had a chance to pit my Dornishmen against the other factions of the Cardiff Westeros group. An initial fight with the Boltons ended in a pretty solid victory for prince Obryn. After that there was a big multiplayer game pitting Borathians, Nights Watch, Unsullied, my Dornishmen and a Dragon against one another. Sporadic pictures below.
Its worth noting that this was one of the few winning nights for me. I think in these rules, its good to have a good mix of heavy hitters and some fodder to back them up.
I picked up some gripping beast plastics at the shop, so I'm going to try my hand at converting up some wildlings and a giant.
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Winter is coming

Saturday, April 27, 2013
Ghosts of Hefei, 72 Hours to Go
I've gotten so busy with this Kickstarter campaign that I've forgoten to promote this on my own blog!
For the last month, I've been trying to raise money for a sequel to The Department entitled Ghosts of Hefei. The game is a competitive Skirmish game for 28mm and 15mm figures whith a heavy cyberpunk theme. Rival gangs compete to steal fabricants from the chinese factory city of Hefei.
We're looking to make a great game and some dynamite figures, sculpted by PF. These will be in 28mm and 15mm figures and are available in a number of scales.
But it all depends if we're going to make out goal. Right now we need about $2,500 to make it happen. If we make it, it will be a nailbiter. Its very much in the balance.
So if you are at all interested in Cyberpunk gaming, why not pledge. you can get a set of 15mm figures for as little as $6.
You can find the Kickstarter here.