Desolation engine, Four A Miniatures.
Steampunk Abominations. Left two are Mantic ghouls, while the right one is Four A again.
Necropunks, Four A Miniatures.
Hollow Waifs. Right, West Wind. Left Copplestone.I fell like I've done more comeback tours than Cher. I'm now settled into my new room in Cardiff and I thought that I would show you, my loyal readers, the fruits of my unemployment...
Here are some pictures of my freshly painted steampunk undead for Malifaux. After a three month painting hiatus, I tried to bring my A game to these figures. They are all pretty heavily converted with various bits I had lying around. I am especially proud of the Desolation engine, both in painting and converting.
This group of figures primarily uses miniatures from the relatively new
Four A miniatures. I have blogged about them before briefly. This is the first time that I really had a chance to work on and paint the figures that I bought from them back in April. The casting is clean and well defined. The figures take paint well and gave me a chance to put some love into them. They are well worth a look.
I was also mightily impressed with the Mantic plastic ghouls. They are really detailed and at times have finer features than a metal figure ever could. Mantic is really showing what plastic can do. They were also a joy to paint. I'm going to be keeping them in mint if I ever need more undead stuff.